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Be the change

Learning Sequence 2

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  Use Your Voice

Take your learning to the world & create change


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    During this activity, students will delve into the United Nations' Sustainability Goals, researching their significance and selecting one that aligns with their values. They will engage in critical thinking and problem-solving to create a 10-week plan for meaningful action, linking global challenges to tangible improvements in their community.

During this learning sequence, we are going to be asking you a series of questions to find out what matters to you.

The world has many problems as you are well aware, and the United Nations have created a list of sustainability goals for the world, which, if we follow together and collectively, will make the world a better place for every animal, insect and organism living on this planet.

Today, we’re going to ask you to do some research and find out which one of the sustainability goals matters to you. We want to find out which one you are going to choose to take on over the next 10 weeks, to help your community and the whole world to change for the better.

Weekly Keywords

  • Introduce the spelling word list and choose from this list of tasks that can be repeated and expanded upon if necessary.
    Copy the words into a spelling list/Vocabulary book for later reference.
    Put each of the new words into a sentence and underline the new vocabulary in red pencil
    Place the words in alphabetical order in a list.
    Use a dictionary to define each of the words and place them into a vocabulary book.
    Try to represent each of the words using a picture or a symbol and play the guessing game. (which image is matched to which word)
    Write a paragraph containing all of the new vocabulary.
    Make a vocabulary wall containing all of the new words.
    Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for the words and create a synonym list.

These words will help you during this week’s lesson. You may already know some of these words however practice makes perfect!

First, read the words and then try to define them as simply as possible.

An example has been completed for you. You can write these into your books, and draw a picture to match or simply complete the task card.


Watch and Discuss - ‘Weekly Warm-Up Activity' 

  • Each week we will read the book ‘Be the Change’ together as a class and answer a series of comprehension questions based on the changemaker we have just talked about.

    The questions will be in the form of literal, inferential and applied questions with added research questions for children to conduct further research once the lesson is completed.

    This will give the children insights into how. Changemakers in history have engaged with the world when attempting to make significant differences in the lives of the people, animals, insects and organisms on this planet to make it a better place.

Please read pages four and five based on the life of Albert Einstein and answer the following questions.

Number One: Where was Albert Einstein born?

Number Two: Who was Albert Einstein’s biggest influence when it came to studying electronics and science?

Number Three: What were Albert Einstein’s favourite subjects at school?

Number Four: what was Albert Einstein’s first job and where was it located?

Number Five: In 1905, what was Albert Einstein’s first theory?

Number Six: What significant life event happened to Albert Einstein in 1921?

Number Seven: Why did Albert Einstein leave Germany and move to Switzerland?

Number Eight: What other theories did Albert Einstein create that have changed the way we live Today?

Number Nine: What other global events were happening as Albert Einstein was growing up in Switzerland?

Number Ten: What can we learn from Albert Einstein when it comes to becoming a changemaker?

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Watch and Discuss - Setting the Target - 2030

  • Students will watch the following video, which exposes them to the United Nations Sustainability Goals for the world

    Children will then discuss which one of these goals resonates with them and which ones they think are the most important. The students will then have a discussion about what will happen to the future of the world if we do not meet these targets by 2030. This should allow the class to see the importance of acting now before it’s too late.

Watch the video on sustainability goals for the world set by the United Nations and discuss with the people around you which one of these targets resonates with you? Which one seems to be the most important one for you personally, and discuss why.

Do you think that we can achieve these goals by 2030 and what do you think would happen if we don’t meet these targets set by the United Nations? Discuss this in your group with your pair and report the answers to your class teacher.

Defining the Goals - What Do They Mean?

  • This part of the lesson may take the children a significant amount of time as they research and watch each of the videos. According to the various SDGs.

    Children are encouraged to work in groups or pairs or on their tables to try to define each of the SDGs using simple language and terms that are easily recognisable to a primary-age student.

    Once complete, students will be asked to choose an SDG which resonates with them and one which they think would change the world for the better.

During this part of the lesson, we want you to go into the Dear World section of this website and have a very good look around to understand each of the SDGs in great detail.

There are 17 in total. and each one of them has a very different target goal, meaning and aim. Your job is to watch the videos with a partner, a team member, or with your group and try in as simple language as possible to define what each and every one of the goals is by completing the task card opposite.

If you’re having trouble understanding the meaning behind one of the SDGs, have a conversation with the people at your table or in your group to try to define and understand the SDG in great detail.

Share Your Thoughts: 30-Second Pitch

  • Share the video with your students, and ask them to spend a small amount of time putting together a few notes to pitch to the rest of the class about why they think their sustainability goal is important. If we want to make the world a better place.

    This is a really good opportunity for students to practise using emotive language, facial expressions, timing, intonation, the emphasis of voice and Body language to emphasise points and meanings within their speech.

    This will also give the students an opportunity to listen to each other’s ideas and potentially change their opinion as well as build confidence in talking in front of an audience.

Now you fully understand the sustainability goals for the world and the Way in which these can help us to sustain and save the natural world, It is time for you to pass on this knowledge to the younger children within your school community.

Make sure you have all of your resources ready before you engage in your teaching and learning of a younger student. You will find that on the task card opposite and also your things to teach. Make sure that you follow the sequence in order and go nice and slow and steady. Remember, these are younger students and patience is one of the core skills.When delivering lessons to younger children

You are doing an amazing job as a leader and mentor and guide and we are very proud of the work that you continue to demonstrate.

SDG 1 & 2 Quiz - Weekly Round-Up!

  • This fun quiz will allow your students to think collectively about the natural environment and sustainability within our world.

    Show the children the questions Aligned with sustainability goal numbers one and two and each week we will add this quiz to the learning sequence to build more knowledge around this topic.

    This should be a fun activity with no pressure around points, scores, rankings or percentages.

The teacher is now going to show you a series of questions on the Interactive whiteboard at the front of the classroom. Your job is to try to answer the questions correctly. You can talk to the people around you to help you answer the questions.

Test your knowledge and have some fun as you try to answer these questions collectively with the people on your table or in your group. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you get anything wrong, this is purely for fun and to gain more knowledge about sustainability and protecting the environment.


Closing Video

We have had a wonderful week together developing our knowledge around the United Nations and the SDGs to save the world. Next week we will start to make our move to reach out to the wider community to tell them why these issues matter to us.

You’ve had a great week! See you in Learning Sequence 3.

Ongoing Follow-Up Activities

Extension Activity - Buddy Program Week 2

  • This week, students will work with their body on defining the variations within the United Nations Sustainability Goals for the world.
    The emphasis for our students will be on planning and preparation and making sure that they have all their resources ready before they engage in teaching and learning with a younger student.

    Teachers must make sure that students are well prepared to engage with a younger.Child and also that they understand the sequence of what they’re about to teach based upon the things they have just learned.Within your class.

    This will develop a wonderful sense of leadership and mentorship within your school community.

Now you fully understand the sustainability goals for the world and the Way in which these can help us to sustain and save the natural world, It is time for you to pass on this knowledge to the younger children within your school community.

Make sure you have all of your resources ready before you engage in your teaching and learning of a younger student. You will find that on the task card opposite and also your things to teach. Make sure that you follow the sequence in order and go nice and slow and steady. Remember, these are younger students and patience is one of the core skills.When delivering lessons to younger children

You are doing an amazing job as a leader and mentor and guide and we are very proud of the work that you continue to demonstrate.


Extension Activity - Creating SDG Flashcards/Matching Game

  • This week, students will work with their body on defining the variations within the United Nations Sustainability Goals for the world.

    The emphasis for our students will be on planning and preparation and making sure that they have all their resources ready before they engage in teaching and learning with a younger student.

    Teachers must make sure that students are well prepared to engage with a younger.Child and also that they understand the sequence of what they’re about to teach based upon the things they have just learned.Within your class.

    This will develop a wonderful sense of leadership and mentorship within your school community.

Now you fully understand the sustainability goals for the world and the Way in which these can help us to sustain and save the natural world, It is time for you to pass on this knowledge to the younger children within your school community.

Make sure you have all of your resources ready before you engage in your teaching and learning of a younger student. You will find that on the task card opposite and also your things to teach. Make sure that you follow the sequence in order and go nice and slow and steady. Remember, these are younger students and patience is one of the core skills.When delivering lessons to younger children.

You are doing an amazing job as a leader and mentor and guide and we are very proud of the work that you continue to demonstrate.

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