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Be the change

Learning Sequence 10

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  Use Your Voice

Take your learning to the world & create change


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    This week your students will prepare to upload their story/slide deck to the team here at Upschool.

    Before uploading, the children will need to conduct one final check and make sure that the whole team agrees before submission.

    If the team is successful, they will be selected as a keynote speaker at the World’s Children’s Upschool Conference on November 20th.

    Your children have worked so hard and this week we want to celebrate their efforts and give them an opportunity to speak to the world!

This week it is all about you sending your story through to the team at Upschool. You have accomplished amazing things this term and we want you to be able to tell the world your story.

This week we will be reading about the amazing Freda Kahlo and then checking in with our SDG goals and actions.

Once you have warmed up, it is then time to read through your presentation and upload it to the upschool platform for review.

If your story is selected, you’ll need to be prepared and understand which team member will be speaking during each slide. Get your team together, check your slides and decide who will be speaking when?

You have accomplished a lot but the journey has only just begun!

Weekly Keywords

  • Introduce the spelling word list and choose from this list of tasks that can be repeated and expanded upon if necessary.
    Copy the words into a spelling list/Vocabulary book for later reference.
    Put each of the new words into a sentence and underline the new vocabulary in red pencil
    Place the words in alphabetical order in a list.
    Use a dictionary to define each of the words and place them into a vocabulary book.
    Try to represent each of the words using a picture or a symbol and play the guessing game. (which image is matched to which word)
    Write a paragraph containing all of the new vocabulary.
    Make a vocabulary wall containing all of the new words.
    Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for the words and create a synonym list.

These words will help you during this week’s lesson. You may already know some of these words however practice makes perfect!

First, read the words and then try to define them as simply as possible.

An example has been completed for you. You can write these into your books, and draw a picture to match or simply complete the task card.


Watch and Discuss - ‘Weekly Warm-Up Activity' 

  • Each week we will read the book ‘Be the Change’ together as a class and answer a series of comprehension questions based on the changemaker we have just talked about.

    The questions will be in the form of literal, inferential and applied questions with added research questions for children to conduct further research once the lesson is completed.

    This will give the children insights into how. Changemakers in history have engaged with the world when attempting to make significant differences in the lives of the people, animals, insects and organisms on this planet to make it a better place.

Please read pages twenty and twenty-one based on the life of Frida Kahlo and answer the following questions.

In which continent was Frida Kahlo born?

What did she enjoy doing from a very young age?

What did she gain from watching her father do his crucial work in photography?

What made her consider art as an actual profession?

What did she like to express through her artwork?

When did she become internationally famous and why did this happen?

What success did she have during her lifetime?

What is the term used to describe the phenomenon of her fan base around the world?

What can we learn from her and how important is it that we follow our passion?

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Week 10 Goal Reflection

  • As we near the end of the course, it is important that the groups take time to reflect upon which actions they have achieved and which are still pending. Encourage groups to collaborate and even assist them with ways in which they may be able to achieve some of these goals so late in the day by setting targets for the next term if need be?

    For example – They may wish to start a ‘walk to school Wednesday’ initiative beginning next term. This will allow them to tick off the action as completed!

Take a moment to join your group of changemakers and reflect upon which of your actions you have accomplished over the last week.

It is also important to note that we are now entering week number 8 and some of our actions may not have been completed. As a group, have a very clear conversation with your group about how you intend to tick off all twelve of the actions we had planned.

Remember it is OK if some of the actions are not completed.

Becoming a change maker means that you have made a change in the world to improve it and no matter how small that is, you have made the world a little better and that’s enough.


Your Presentation - Who’s Saying What?

  • During this activity, the students must come together and make a final check of the presentation before they upload it for review.

    The children will need to decide who will be speaking during the conference and what topics they will be talking about.

    This task card should allow your teams to collaborate and negotiate upon who will take responsibility for each segment of the slideshow and help them remember what it is they will talk about.

    Once everyone is agreed, it is time to upload the presentation to the UNAA and Upschool team for review.

As a team, it is important that you are all agreed on the final copy of the presentation before you upload it to the upshool website for review.

Sit down in your team and go through each and every slide. Read the words carefully and look at the images to make sure that everyone is happy.

Once you are all agreed you must decide who is going to speak on each of the slides. During the conference on the 20th of November, you may need to speak to the world about your school’s story.

Make sure you know which slide you will be talking about and discuss with your team what each of you should say.

Create some notes and make copies for everyone.

If your presentation is chosen, you will be talking to the whole world about the wonderful journey you have been on. Once everyone is happy with the presentation, it is time to send your slides to us.

You can use this task card to help you remember which team member will be talking about each slide!


Copying the Link to Your Presentation

  • Students may need assistance with this part of the process. Teachers may need to monitor this section carefully.

Before you can upload your presentation with the team at Upschool, you will first need to change the permissions and copy the link from your canva account.

Follow the instructions on the task card opposite and then move on to the task below.

Uploading Your Presentation

  • Please assist your students as they upload their presentations to the team here at Upschool. Once we have received your children’s submissions we will be in touch with the next steps prior to ‘World Children’s Day Upschool Conference on November 20th.

    Please make sure that the email address included in the form above is spelt correctly before submitting it.

    Thank you!

Now that your presentation is ready, it is finally time for you to upload it to the Upschool team and allow us to read and review it.

We will take a good look at your slides, your pictures and your overall story and if successful, we will be in touch with you about talking at the Global Children’s Conference on November 20th.

Whether you are selected or not to talk at the conference in November, you have done amazing things over the last ten weeks to make this world a better place for everyone.

We are very proud of you and we want this good work to continue.

Remember – The future is yours, so make it the best it can be.


SDG 17 - Weekly Round-Up!

  • This fun quiz will allow your students to think collectively about the natural environment and sustainability within our world.

    Show the children the questions Aligned with sustainability goal numbers 17 and each week we will add this quiz to the learning sequence to build more knowledge around this topic.

    This should be a fun activity with no pressure around points, scores, rankings or percentages.

The teacher is now going to show you a series of questions on the Interactive whiteboard at the front of the classroom. Your job is to try to answer the questions correctly. You can talk to the people around you to help you answer the questions.

Test your knowledge and have some fun as you try to answer these questions collectively with the people on your table or in your group. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you get anything wrong, this is purely for fun and to gain more knowledge about sustainability and protecting the environment.

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Closing Video

You have done amazing things and you should be very proud of what you have accomplished, but this is just the beginning!

Although the course is coming to an end, your journey as a crusader for a better world for all has only just begun.

You are the change!

Ongoing Follow-Up Activities

Extension Activity - Buddy Program Week 10

  • This week our buddy system will allow the leaders to assist the younger students by checking, proofreading and uploading the presentation to the Upschool platform.

    This will make the course complete for all involved and we are thrilled that your students have worked so hard over the last 10 weeks. Well done and thank you for your support

This week we want you to help your buddy upload their presentation to the upschool platform. First make sure that the slide deck is looking good, practice reading it with your buddy and then show them exactly how to upload it to the Upschool platform.

You have done an amazing job by mentoring the younger students in your school and we are very proud of you.

Congratulations for being a leader!


Extension Activity #2 - Reflect and Review

  • Reflection and review gives students a chance to think about the journey they have just been on and how it will impact the way they live going forward.

    It is a great idea to verbally reflect as well as give the children a chance to write and illustrate their feelings and thoughts. The task card above should help.

Now that you have started your journey as a changemaker, it is important that you think about how it made you feel and what you found enjoyable.

Taking on big tasks like these can be tiring and tricky, but your efforts are always worth it in the end. Use the task card to help you reflect on how the last 10 weeks have been for you and your team!

Well done!

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