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Be the change

Learning Sequence 8

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  Use Your Voice

Take your learning to the world & create change


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    As well as reflecting on the progress so far this week, our groups will be focusing on trying to tell their story to the rest of the world

    This week, our groups will be trying to tell their story in a pictorial way using a Canva presentation platform. (slide deck) They will also be taking photographs of their group in action and allowing their parents to visit the school and interview them to see what changes they’ve made in the way that they live their lives and also how they feel about the change that is occurring in their community?

    Remember, in two weeks’ time your children will be submitting their proposal to be a keynote speaker at our global conference on November the 20th, and this is where that story starts to unfold.

This week we are reflecting on the goals that we have achieved so far and start to tell the story of our community to the world!

This week we will be reading all about Martin Luther King Junior and his life story, which is extremely fascinating.

Following that, we want to understand and know more about your fascinating story and what changes you have made in the way that your community acts.

Our focuses this week will be on preparing your story as well as inviting your community to come into school. In preparation for your chance to speak at the Upschool Children’s Conference on November 20th, we want to enable you to prepare the best story possible.

Weekly Keywords

  • Introduce the spelling word list and choose from this list of tasks that can be repeated and expanded upon if necessary.
    Copy the words into a spelling list/Vocabulary book for later reference.
    Put each of the new words into a sentence and underline the new vocabulary in red pencil
    Place the words in alphabetical order in a list.
    Use a dictionary to define each of the words and place them into a vocabulary book.
    Try to represent each of the words using a picture or a symbol and play the guessing game. (which image is matched to which word)
    Write a paragraph containing all of the new vocabulary.
    Make a vocabulary wall containing all of the new words.
    Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for the words and create a synonym list.

These words will help you during this week’s lesson. You may already know some of these words however practice makes perfect!

First, read the words and then try to define them as simply as possible.

An example has been completed for you. You can write these into your books, and draw a picture to match or simply complete the task card.


Watch and Discuss - ‘Weekly Warm-Up Activity' 

  • Each week we will read the book ‘Be the Change’ together as a class and answer a series of comprehension questions based on the changemaker we have just talked about.

    The questions will be in the form of literal, inferential and applied questions with added research questions for children to conduct further research once the lesson is completed.

    This will give the children insights into how. Changemakers in history have engaged with the world when attempting to make significant differences in the lives of the people, animals, insects and organisms on this planet to make it a better place.

Please read pages fourteen and fifteen based on the life of Martin Luther King Jr and answer the following questions.

Which major world event had just finished once Martin Luther King Junior was born?

What was Martin Luther King protesting about?

What was so special about Martin Luther King Junior’s speech?

Which other famous changemaker is Martin Luther King Junior linked to very strongly?

In which city did Martin Luther King Junior decide to boycott the entire transportation system? And why?

How long did Martin Luther King’s boycott of the transportation system last? And what happened at the very end?

As a result of Martin Luther King Junior’s protests, what changed on the transportation system in the area in which he lived?

What was special about the Nobel Peace Prize that he won in 1964?

What can we learn from Martin Luther King Junior?

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Check Your Goals!

  • This week, students are requested to check in with their SDG action task card and have a conversation around which ones of their actions they have achieved and which are still left pending.

    The children within their group will need to reflect upon how many more actions they have left to achieve and how they’re going to accomplish these goals. It’s also a valuable exercise for students to think about what is happening in their community right now and how they have already achieved many changes in the way that their community works.

    This activity is all about reflection, time management and goal setting.

Take a moment to join your group of changemakers and reflect upon which of your actions you have accomplished over the last week.

It is also important to note that we are now entering week number 8 and some of our actions may not have been completed. As a group, have a very clear conversation with your group about how you intend to tick off all twelve of the actions we had planned.

Remember it is OK if some of the actions are not completed. If only one of the actions has been completed, that is more than enough and change is starting to occur. Well done everybody.


Taking a Good Photo

  • Students will require access to a device that captures photographs. During this session, the children will learn about perspective, ratio, angles, depth and more!

    Students should be encouraged to take a number of photographs and then fine-tune the aperture and edit the tone, colour and brightness and decide which photographs are going to make it finally into their presentation which was submitted for the Global Children’s conference on November the 20th.

To make your slide deck as engaging as possible, it is important to include a number of photographs.

We want you to collect a series of photographs over the next two weeks. These can include photos of your community in action, photographs of your groups getting together and photographs of your school community working alongside the actions that you decided would help change the world.

But taking a good photo is not this easy as it seems and this week we’re going to introduce you to four tips from Richard Mills that will make it easier for you to take the best photos in the world. You can then include these in your slide deck and hopefully allow you to become a keynote speaker at the upcoming World Children’s Day Conference.

Get your cameras ready and get snapping.

Creating Your Presentation

  • As you are aware, in several weeks your students will be placing their submission to be a keynote speaker at the world of Children Day School Conference on November the 20th

    This week we are starting the ball rolling by introducing your students to documenting their journey using pictures, videos, quotes and other inspirational material that can tell the rest of the world how your community has adapted to make it a more sustainable one.

    Show the children the attached slide deck and talk through the aspect of this which makes it engaging and encourages them to get started as soon as possible as they only have a few weeks to complete this ongoing task.

In two weeks’ time, you will have an opportunity to become a keynote speaker at the World Children’s Day Conference and today that journey begins

We want you to create a slide deck within the canva platform to present your community’s journey to the entire world.

Take a look at the example attached here which will help guide you to make sure you include all the things that your community has done over the last eight weeks to make a difference in the way that the world works. You have several weeks to complete this project and your submission must be received by the 20th October.

Even if your submission is not successful to become a keynote speaker at the upcoming conference, your slide deck will be kept on the platform for eternity to inspire other communities around the world to make a difference just like you.

Work together and get creative to complete this task!

Your Presentation Guide

This presentation template and the questions housed within it should guide you along the way to presenting your own presentation for the upschool conference. Follow the questions, design your own presentation, and make it unique to your school community and tell your story.

Remember, an eye-catching presentation with good content and wonderful features will attract the attention of all the judges reading your presentation and therefore increase your chances of being selected to be a keynote speaker at the conference on November the 20th. Good luck.

SDG 13 and 14 - Weekly Round-Up!

  • This fun quiz will allow your students to think collectively about the natural environment and sustainability within our world.

    Show the children the questions Aligned with sustainability goal numbers three and four and each week we will add this quiz to the learning sequence to build more knowledge around this topic.

    This should be a fun activity with no pressure around points, scores, rankings or percentages.

The teacher is now going to show you a series of questions on the Interactive whiteboard at the front of the classroom. Your job is to try to answer the questions correctly. You can talk to the people around you to help you answer the questions.

Test your knowledge and have some fun as you try to answer these questions collectively with the people on your table or in your group. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you get anything wrong, this is purely for fun and to gain more knowledge about sustainability and protecting the environment.

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Closing Video

At the end of this course in week number 10, you will be submitting your presentation to the United Nations and the Upschool team to see if you will be selected as a keynote speaker at the upcoming conference on World Children’s Day in November the 20th. How wonderful will that be!

This week we have asked you to have a look at your actions to see how you are progressing. We have asked you to understand what a good photograph looks like and then use those photographs to incorporate them into your presentation, which will ultimately tell the world about your story. You’re doing such a wonderful job.

Don’t forget to take a look at the extension activities this week because one of them is about inviting your community into school for an event.

Ongoing Follow-Up Activities

Extension Activity - Buddy Program Week 8

  • The leadership of mentorship this week during the Buddy programme will involve the older students demonstrating how the younger students can use a camera to take good photographs, practise makes perfect, and this may take a lot of time. Analogue patience

    The leaders will be using the camera system to demonstrate how to put together a presentation to tell the story of how the changes occurring in the younger children’s household.

    This week, the children will use the core skills of leadership, mentorship, communication and technology to pass on the knowledge that they have just gained.

This week, the buddy programme will really test your ability to be able to work with younger children

This week, we want you to reflect with your body to see how the completion of their actions against the sustainability goals for the world is taking shape. Number two, you will then have to show them how to use a camera to take wonderful photographs and allow them to practise in the future.

If they are feeling confident using the canvas system, this will be a wonderful way to start them producing their presentation to tell their story about how the changes taking place in their house


Creating a Class Quote Book (From Learning Sequence 6)

  • Here at Upschool, we want to make sure that your children have a chance to receive the real version of their book, delivered to your school or the families within your community.

    If your children wish to turn their quotes into a collective book, then please follow the guidelines carefully and upload your class book to the Upschool library and let the world hear what your class has to say!!

    Remember all text must be placed inside the “safe zone” and all spelling and grammar will need to be checked prior.

    Thank you.

When everybody has finished creating their quotes and they are decorated beautifully, you may wish to collect all of the quote designs together and create a class book which can be uploaded to Upschool Library!

The book will be available for the world to read and may inspire people around the world to think differently about our precious planet.

Follow the guidelines opposite and once the book is ready, you can upload it directly to the Upschool library and get your voices out into the world!

Important – To create your book, one person in your class or a teacher will need to collect everyone’s quotes together and compile them all.

If you are the person in charge, please make sure you follow the checklist carefully and do not upload your book until you have 9 green ticks.

Remember that you can have several quotes on each page, but your book must be A4.


Extension Activity #2: Inviting Your Community

  • During this session we want your children to send an invitation to their families, inviting them into school to talk about their journey in becoming a sustainable community. During the visit, the children will interview their parents and include some of these quotes in the presentation/slide deck which will be used during the conference on November 20th.

    The children will design their very own poster which can be sent home via email or printed and taken home.

Next week, we’re going to be asking you to get some quotes from some of the parents, teachers, school principals and other people who have been working on the same project as you in your community.

These quotes will be added to your slide deck presentation for the conference on November the 20th. In order to get these quotes, we want you to invite your parents to come to school next week and to do this we are going to need to create a poster

Creating a poster in Canva is extremely easy, but it takes some time to get all of the aspects in line and looking perfect to make sure that your parents feel that this is an event that they wish to attend.

Take a look at the following example of how you can develop and design the perfect poster to attract the maximum amount of people to visit your school and talk about how they feel about your initiative in changing the world.


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