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All About Rainforest

Learning Sequence 

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    This engaging program focuses on community action and empowering our students to protect the rainforests and its fascinating inhabitants, particularly adorable sloths. 

    We’ll explore how sloths, plants, trees, and leaves harmoniously coexist in their lush environment. Through interactive lessons, children will learn the impact of their choices on rainforest preservation. We’ll encourage them to evaluate the products they buy and use, promoting sustainable practices that safeguard these valuable ecosystems. 

    By fostering a sense of responsibility and environmental consciousness, our young learners will become enthusiastic advocates for the rainforests and the wonderful creatures that call them home. Together, we can make a positive difference!

Greetings, young sloth enthusiasts! This course marks the beginning of an exhilarating journey to safeguard our adorable sloth friends and their precious habitat. Just like us, sloths rely on plants, trees, and leaves for their survival. But have you ever wondered how these incredible elements work together and what the world would be like without them?

Throughout this special course, we’ll dive into the captivating world of sloths, plants, and trees. We’ll uncover the secrets of how these furry creatures have coexisted with their lush surroundings for millions of years.
Our mission is to understand that by making changes in the way we live, we can become guardians of these wonderful creatures and all the other incredible beings that call the rainforests their home, forever.

Keywords Activity

  • Introduce the spelling word list and choose from this list of tasks that can be repeated and expanded upon if necessary.

    Copy the words into a spelling list/vocabulary book for later reference.

    Put each of the new words into a sentence and underline the new vocabulary in red pencil

    Place the words in alphabetical order in a list.

    Use a dictionary to define each of the words and place them into a vocabulary book.

    Try to represent each of the words using a picture or a symbol and play the guessing game. (which image is matched to which word)

    Write a paragraph containing all of the new vocabulary.

    Make a vocabulary wall containing all of the new words.

    Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for the words and create a synonym list. 

These words will help you during this course. You may already know some of these words however practice makes perfect!

First, read the words and then try to define them as simply as possible.

An example has been completed for you. You can write these into your books, and draw a picture to match or simply complete the task card.


Read and Discuss - Comprehension

  • Allow the students to use the video and the information on the task card to discuss and answer the questions, define the worlds and discuss the topics on the task card opposite. 

    This session should involve lots of verbal interactions and allow children to consolidate their knowledge through healthy discussion and sharing of ideas and concepts.

Take a look at the comprehension task card opposite. 

First, read the discussion questions and spend a few minutes talking about these before you start the task.

Once your discussion is over, it is time to define the keywords within the vocabulary list. Take a look at these words and attempt to define them with your partner. 

Once this is done, try to answer the two sets of questions associated with the video you have just watched. You may want to watch the video again whilst you answer the questions. Once complete, share your answers with your partner or the rest of the class and see if everyone else agrees with your answers. Finally – take a look at the follow-up activity and end the session with a healthy chat and discussion about what you have just learned.

The Amazing World of Sloths

  • In this lesson, students start by researching the unique features of a sloth, using a diagram on a task card for guidance. They will compile their findings in a table. Once this task is completed, students are given the freedom to select and investigate another rainforest animal of their choice from millions of options. This fosters independent research skills, promotes engagement with biodiversity, and emphasizes the importance of choice in learning.

Before we start exploring the rainforest, let’s learn more about the amazing sloth.

On the task card opposite, you will find a diagram of a sloth hanging from a tree. Your task is to research all of the amazing features listed and fill in the table at the bottom of the card.

Once complete, you may wish to conduct your own research on another animal from the rainforest. With millions to choose from, the choice is yours!


Layers of the Rainforest

  • Students learn about the different layers of rainforests, similar to Earth’s layers. Through the provided task card, they explore the remaining three layers, discovering fascinating facts about each one.

    Alongside this research, students also investigate rainforest animals and insects. Encouraging them to work in pairs, the lesson aims to foster a deeper understanding of the sloths’ environment and promote research skills while sparking curiosity about these unique ecosystems.

This week we are exploring the fascinating world of sloths and their rainforest habitat. Before we can protect their home, let’s delve into understanding it better.

Just like Earth’s layers and the atmosphere, rainforests also have multiple layers too. With a friend, research the three remaining layers using the task card provided.Write interesting facts about each layer and add information about rainforest animals and insects to the task card too. Have fun learning and discovering!


6 Things That Destroy Our Rainforests

  • In this activity, students explore the vulnerability of rainforests by interpreting visual clues and conducting research. They learn that despite their strong appearance, rainforests face threats due to human actions.

    By examining two examples, students understand the dangers posed by deforestation, agriculture, and other factors. Using this information, they fill in an infographic, demonstrating their comprehension. To reinforce learning, students then redesign the infographic, highlighting the importance of protecting rainforests and educating others about the critical need for conservation efforts.

The rainforest may seem tall and strong, but without our protection, they may not be around forever. During this activity, we want you to use the visual clues to help you discover what it is that puts our forests in danger.

Let’s look at two examples and use the clues below to fill in the blanks on this infographic, explaining how vulnerable they really are. Once you have completed the infographic, we want you to redesign it and use it to tell others about the dangers they face.Be creative and discuss the images with your partner before making the connections in the infographic.


The Soil Beneath Our Feet

  • This lesson focuses on developing research skills by understanding the importance of protecting hidden aspects of nature. While we already value conserving forests and trees, we will now recognize the critical role of soil as the foundation for rainforests.

    Through the provided task card, students will research the soil layers beneath the trunks and leaves. This knowledge will guide us in protecting and preserving this vital resource collaboratively. Working with friends, we’ll explore ways to ensure a thriving rainforest ecosystem.

It is very easy to protect what we can see, but sometimes it is what is hidden that is more important.

This week we are learning the significance of protecting the hidden aspects of nature. While we understand preserving forests and trees, it’s vital to recognise the role of soil as the foundation for rainforests.

Take a look at the task card opposite and let’s delve into researching the layers of the soil beneath the trunks and leaves. Understanding this will help us protect and preserve this crucial resource together.

Work with a friend and explore how we can ensure a healthy rainforest ecosystem.


Planting Vegetables - Feeding the Hungry

  • This hands-on learning activity engages students in understanding soil layers and plant growth. After teaching the concept of soil layers and their role in supporting plant growth, students will work in pairs to grow vegetables. They’ll observe and identify the various soil layers while planting.

    Once their vegetables are ready, students will experience the joy of harvesting and practice kindness by sharing their produce with those in need. This activity encourages practical application of knowledge and fosters empathy through real-life experiences.

Now that you have a good understanding of soil and how its layers help plants grow, it’s time to apply your knowledge.

Follow the step-by-step process and, with a friend, grow your very own vegetables. While planting, don’t forget to examine the soil layers below the ground.Once your vegetables have grown, harvest them, and consider sharing with people in need or who are feeling hungry. Kindness is the greatest gift of all.


Save the Rainforest - Product Survey

  • In this activity, we emphasize the importance of local decisions and their global impact. Students will discover how various items in their homes and schools come from or harm the rainforest.

    By examining the list provided, they’ll recognize how seemingly small choices can affect a habitat miles away, influencing creatures like sloths. Encouraging them to seek parental and teacher permission, the lesson empowers students to make conscious decisions.

    Understanding local actions’ global consequences fosters environmental responsibility and inspires positive change for the rainforest’s preservation.

There are various items in our homes and schools that directly come from the rainforest or contribute to its harm during production. The list of such ingredients can be found opposite, affecting the sloth and other creatures’ habitat. 

Examine the list to see if you have any of these items at home or school. Understanding our impact on a distant habitat helps us realise that small changes today can create a lasting impact for tomorrow.
Once you have completed survey, start to think about alternative products that will not have the same consequences as the ones in the list.

Remember to seek your parents’ and teachers’ permission before starting your survey.


Save the Rainforest Presentation

  • In the final activity of this course, students will compile their ten individual photographs into a cohesive photo album. This album will not only showcase their technical photographic skills learned throughout the lessons, but also the stories they’ve chosen to tell.

    From capturing unique human and animal behaviors to encapsulating personal narratives, the photo album will serve as a tangible portfolio of their learning journey. This compilation is an opportunity for students to present their progress and creativity to the world, reflecting their personal growth and fostering pride in their achievements.

Your final objective is to share the amazing knowledge you’ve gained with another group of children or adults by creating a 10-step plan to save the rainforests.

Review the presentation opposite as an example to create your own plan to empower your community to save a forest thousands of miles away.

Once your presentation is complete, share it with as many people as possible and discuss ways they can change their lives to protect the habitats of incredible creatures like the sloth.

Remember to make your presentation colorful, impactful, and persuasive.

Write a Letter to Save the Rainforest

  • For the final challenge, students aim to approach influential government decision-makers and passionately share their school’s efforts to save the rainforests and the world. The task emphasizes emotional language and persuasive devices to create an impactful one-page letter. Encourage them to ignite empathy, optimism, and determination in their writing. Rallying the entire class and school to join the cause will further strengthen their plea. Together, we’ll witness the power of unity and inspire influential figures to visit the school, making a real difference in saving the world.

For your final challenge, we want you to go to the people who make the big decisions in government and tell them all about what you do at your school and how you think that we might be able to save the rainforests and the world, if we all work together.

Your objective is to find the address of the local politician and invite them to your school, to show them your presentation on ‘Ten Ways to Save the Rainforest.’

Your letter must fit onto one A4 page, be creative to grab their attention, and be very persuasive. Remember when many people get together and move together, anything can happen. Get your entire class or even the school to also write letters, and let’s see if you can get the powerful people in the land to visit your school so we can save the world together!!

Use my template and my example to help you, and let’s save the world together!

You’ve got this!!

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