It Starts With You
Learning Sequence 10
Week 10 is a big week and includes lots of things.
First -your students will complete the usual vocabulary and warm-up activity to allow them to understand how the extraction of resources poses a risk to the region of the Arctic.
Secondly, your students will create a cloze passage based on their knowledge and send this through to the team at Upschool.
Third – Your class will check and upload their class book to the upschool library for submission.
Finally – your class will reflect on the course and think about how the course made them feel. They will express what they liked and disliked the most.
Thank you for being the guide for your class during the last 10 weeks of fun and change!!
Once your children understand that every part of the food chain plays a significant role in the overall well-being of an ecosystem, they will start to learn how to protect each part.
We will also bring the learning back to us as human beings and start to clarify where we fit into the grand scheme of things.
Well done everyone for completing this course on the importance of the Arctic region and how we can all work together to stop climate change. Our objective is to protect the habitats of the animals and the homes of the people who live there and all around the world and you have worked very hard to help.
This week we are going to discuss how delicate the area is. We will understand more about the dangers of climate change, whilst also talking about what we can do to stop it in its tracks.
During this course, we have asked you to do things you never dreamed of. To ask adults to change the way they live and to have the confidence to fail and the resilience to try again.
You have done so well and we are very proud that you have begun your journey of being a changemaker!!
Weekly Keywords
Introduce the spelling word list and choose from this list of tasks that can be repeated and expanded upon if necessary.
Copy the words into a spelling list/Vocabulary book for later reference.
Put each of the new words into a sentence and underline the new vocabulary in red pencil
Place the words in alphabetical order in a list.
Use a dictionary to define each of the words and place them into a vocabulary book.
Try to represent each of the words using a picture or a symbol and play the guessing game. (which image is matched to which word)
Write a paragraph containing all of the new vocabulary.
Make a vocabulary wall containing all of the new words.
Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for the words and create a synonym list.
These words will help you during this week’s lesson. You may already know some of these words however practice makes perfect!
First, read the words and then try to define them as simply as possible.
An example has been completed for you. You can write these into your books, and draw a picture to match or simply complete the task card.
Read and Discuss - ‘Weekly Warm-Up Activity'
This activity is only a warm-up activity and should only be done verbally if possible.
Ask your children to study the information sheet opposite and take notes on some of the most interesting facts available.
Once they have digested this information, ask them to work collectively to answer the following questions and discuss these as a class.
Listen to the video with Danielle and read the following task cards and try to answer the questions below.
In Roman times what kinds of resources were traded?
Which three other resources do we extract from the Arctic and why do you believe they are harmful?
As the ice melts what has become easier?
Name the three shipping routes in the Arctic?
Name the 7 most popular minerals found in the Arctic region.
How did the arrival of humans affect the animals in the region?
Is the environment protected in the Arctic? In what ways?
If all of the ice on Earth were to melt, what would happen?
Your Weekly Goal - Let’s Review
This is where your students get to review how the last ten weeks have felt for them.
They have tackled one of the world’s biggest issues and they have done an amazing job! Allow the children to answer the questions in their groups and reflect these answers back to the class as a whole.
It is very important that they get to feel that even though they may have been working in isolation, they have all been working towards the one big goal of taking care of the planet.
Over the last ten weeks you have attempted to change the lifestyles, opinions and behaviours of the community around you. This is no easy job!
Take some time to discuss your achievements and your failures with the rest of your class. Ask yourself the following questions as a starter:
What happened in my community
What conversations were difficult to have?
Did the people like it when you spoke about climate change?
Do you think the good work will continue?
What surprised you the most?
How will you continue this good work?
What is your plan going forward?
Climate Change Cloze Passage - Fill in the Blanks
This simple activity allows the children to prepare for the following task where they will prepare a cloze passage of their own.
During this simple activity, we want you to complete the opposite task card entitled, ‘8 Ways to save the World.’
Once you have finished we want you to create your very own close passage and send it through to us.
Creating Your Own Cloze Passage (Completing This Course)
This activity is designed to allow your children to use all of the knowledge gained over the last 10 weeks to create something that can be used by others to learn the values of the arctic region.
Allow your class to use the template attached as the basis for their creation. Your children may wish to use their task cards to teach others about the Arctic region.
NB – In order for your students to receive their certificate, they MUST send their completed task card through to the team here at Upschool.
Click the template button below to create your very own cloze passage on the topic of ‘8 Reasons to Protect the Arctic.’
Use all of the knowledge you have gained over the last 10 weeks to think about 8 reasons we need to save the polar regions. Write them down as simple sentences and don’t forget to miss out one important word.
Create a word bank where people can choose which word to insert. Select a picture to inspire thought and change any colours you wish to make the design your own.
Your task card can be printed and used to teach other children in your school community about the importance of this precious area of Earth!!
Important – Once you have finished your design you MUST send your cloze passage to the team here at upschool to complete this course! You can send it to us using the link below and once we have received it, you will receive your certificate.
Author Checklist - Is Your Class Book Ready?
Before the students upload their PDF documents to the Upschool library, we have created a short checklist which children can use to make sure that everything is in order prior to uploading.
We request that teachers check carefully, that grammar and spellings are correct prior to uploading.
Now that your class book is complete, it is time for your class to publish their work for the world to read.
Just before downloading your book as a PDF document and upload it to the Upschool library, it is very important that we make one final check to make sure that everything is in order and ready for publication.
Follow the list situated in this task card opposite and each time you have checked one of the points, put yourself a big green tick. When all nine ticks are in place, you are ready for publication.
It may be a good idea to check your book with a teacher or an adult before uploading it.
Well done. You’ve done an amazing job.
Uploading your Book
During this part of the learning sequence, students may require extra assistance whilst uploading their book
The instructions follow a sequence of four steps.
Uploading their PDF document
Inserting the details of their book
Selecting their charity/project
Check that the details are correct!Once the book has been received, the student will receive a confirmation email and subsequently the book will be accepted into the Upschool library and the students will be able to view it, read it, share it, and even sell it.
Please take some time during this part of the lesson to make sure that your students complete all of the above information carefully and accurately.
Uploading your Book
Now that you have checked off all of the tech boxes within the author’s checklist, it is now time for you to upload your book to the Upschool library ready for the world to read.
Please make sure that you have completed your book carefully and that every single tick box in the checklist has been completed
Once you are ready, you must download your picture book as a PDF document to your computer and follow the instructions on the link opposite. Make sure that you complete all of the information carefully whilst uploading and once you have completed it you will then receive an email when your book is live within the upschool library and then you can share it with everybody you know in the world so that they can have a read of the wonderful book that you have created.
Well done. Your class are now published authors.
Uploading your Book
Closing Video
During this closing video we sign off our tour of the Arctic region. We say thank you to you for all your work and remind you that when a lot of people make small changes to the way that they live to save the world. The impossible suddenly seems possible.
Watch the final video here!
Ongoing Follow-Up Activities
Extension Activity #1 - Reflection
Reflection allows your children to review the full experience of the course. We want to know how they feel about the work and how the work has impacted them academically and emotionally.
Please give your class some time to complete the reflection activity and once complete, they can be sent through to the team here at upschool and we will read them very carefully.
These documents can also be attached to your child’s report as a reflective assessment tool.
Use the two task cards to reflect on the work you have completed over the last 10 weeks.
The first card asks you to think about how you feel about completing this work.
The second one asks you to rate the course. We are always trying to improve the course and so we would love to hear your feedback.
If you would like to send your completed task cards through to us, please use the link below and send them straight through to the team here at upschool.
Extension Activity #2 Creating a Certificate of Appreciation.
In this activity, students challenge the assumption that larger animals have the greatest collective weight. The focus is on understanding weight and mass in the context of animal biomass.
Teachers will guide students in researching the combined estimated weight of various species. Using the provided task card, students will collaborate in groups to determine the total biomass of listed animals, offering a hands-on approach to understanding ecological weight distributions.
Over the last 10 weeks, you have worked with lots of people to make meaningful changes in the world. There will be some people who have worked alongside you to help you achieve these big goals.
These people will probably appreciate a certificate to thank them for their efforts and dedication to the cause.
Use the template opposite to help you create a certificate of appreciation to the people who helped you the most. Once you have created your certificate, you may wish to hold a special ceremony to honour them and their efforts.